About Deb’s Inviting Interiors
Orange Park, Florida Interior Decorator

Necessity & Passion Collide
I married my high school sweetheart! Bob & I have shared many experiences, always supporting each other. My initial career path was in the property assessment industry. I spent many years visiting residential properties, analyzing sale trends and determining market values.
Due to multiple corporate relocations with Bob’s career, and expanding our family, we were often on the move. Using my decorating skills, I created a model home vibe in each of our homes. This buyer friendly appeal kept us ready for the next transition.
About 10 moves in, and now empty nesters, we had the opportunity to venture from the Midwest to the South. I was delighted to sell the snow blower and ditch the winter gear; it was time to flip the script. Following the encouragement of others, I eagerly attended home staging courses, honed my entrepreneurial skills and launched my business in Jacksonville, Florida.
The corporate world had us back on the road moving northward. Of course, that meant purchasing another snow blower & winter gear. Recently, we came full circle purchasing our “forever” home in Orange Park, Florida. The journey has been rewarding and I have refined my skills along the way.
While I enjoy creating a welcoming, market friendly home atmosphere, my passion for decorating also transcends into capturing my client’s vision.
Whatever your interior design challenge, big or small, I will come alongside you and together we will make your home, your sanctuary,